With Advanced Reports, users can compile, view, and track specific student data. The “More Search Options” feature is used to narrow the criteria for search results that will pull into the report. Users can filter data in Advanced Reports, correct and save data from within Advanced Reports, and export the report into Excel or a .PDF file for printing. The parameters and search criteria set in an Advanced Report can also be saved for future use, and can be easily accessed from Reports on the main menu.
Building The Report
Navigate to Students > Advanced Reports
Who: Enter search criteria on the top left side of the screen using more search options to specify the student or group of students you would like to pull on your advanced report.
What: The Available Fields section displays a list of categories that hold student fields. To open each category click the grey arrow in front of it. You can also use the Search Fields box to search for the field you are looking for. Once fields display, drag and drop fields you would like included on your report. Quickly add fields by clicking on the green + circle. To remove a field that you have added, click the red X next to that field. Once all fields have been selected, you can rearrange the fields to determine how the information will be displayed in the generated report by dragging and dropping.
Once you have set your search criteria and fields to include on your report click Run Report. You may choose to include inactive students and previous year’s inactive students. Depending on your profile permission you may have the ability to search all schools.
Note: Only one logging field can be included on the report. If more than one logging field is added, a warning message will display at the top of the screen.
Once the report has been run, you can click Modify Report at the top left of the screen to return to the previous screen and modify the parameters of the Advanced Report. When modifying the report, all criteria set through the More Search Options feature will need to be reentered/re-selected.
The results of an Advanced Report can be filtered to display a specific set of data from the results with the Filter button to the right of the screen or the column filters above each column.
Filter Rules
Click the Filter button on the right side of the screen.
The field columns in the report will appear as options in the Filter Rules drop-down menu. To filter the Advanced Reports results, select the field, condition, and criteria by which to filter.
Additional Filter Rules can be added as needed, using the Add Rule button in the Filter Rules box. Filter Rules can be deleted by clicking the corresponding Remove button to the left of the Rule. Once the Filter Rules have been set, click the Run Filter button to filter the Advanced Reports results. All Filter Rules can be removed by clicking the Clear Rules button.
Column Filters
To use the column filters, click the word Filters or the word OFF to turn the filters on.
Once the filters are turned on, you will be able to filter on select columns of the table or report.
The default for the filter is contains. This means that whatever value you type into the filter is what Focus will look for in the selected column. If Focus finds the value only those records will show in the column.
To add more than one filter to a column, click the green plus sign. To delete an added filter but keep the original, click the red minus sign.
For additional filtering options other than contains, click the gray arrow.
Clicking the gray arrow gives you many other filtering options and/or rules, such as: Starts with, Has value, Between, etc. To use any of these options simply click on the selection and begin typing in the filter box.
If using Equals, note that the characters entered must be identical to the data in the column.
There is a Not option next to all the additional filters. If looking for all other data except for a specific number or character(s), click Not next to the filter of your choice.
Sending a Message
When an Advanced Report returns results that include either a Student ID or Staff ID column, and the user has the appropriate permissions under Communication > Send Messages, a Message button will be displayed. If the results contain both Student and Staff ID columns, the button will be linked to the first column that appears. Clicking the Message button takes the user to the Compose screen, with the IDs from the report already selected in the recipient dropdown.
Note: Any applied Filters on the report remain and only the filtered results will be pulled into the Recipients in Communication.
Saving and Publishing
Focus allows you to save the parameters and search criteria of the Advanced Report for easy one click retrieval. To do this click Create Report from the report results screen.
You will be prompted to name your report. Once you have entered a name click OK.
After your report has been saved Focus will display the Saved Reports screen. This is where all of the reports you save are stored. You can also access this screen from Reports > Saved Reports. If your profile permissions allow you may be able to publish the reports you create to other users and/or schools in your district.
- Click the red dash to delete your report.
- Click the arrow to Run your report and display real-time data.
- This column displays the name of your report, click on the title to modify.
- This column displays the date the report was created.
- This column tells you what program you were using when you clicked Create Report
- This column will tell you when the last time someone ran the report.
- If your profile allows you can use this pull-down menu to share your report with other users. Users with the selected profiles will see your report under their Published Reports
- If you assign profiles to your report in column 7, a green check will appear here.
- If your profile allows you can share your report with multiple schools. The schools selected in the pull-down menu will have access to your report.
You can view both the reports you have created and the reports that have been shared with you under the Reports menu.