Focus offers many built in reports in areas such as grades, attendance, discipline, scheduling, assessments and state reporting. These reports require minimum set up and run real-time to deliver accurate, up to date information.
Search Screen
Student search and more search options search are available throughout Focus. Many of the reports we will cover offer these options.
Basic Search
The basic student search box allows users to enter a student’s ID number to find a student, their first and/or last name, or partial names.
By default, most users are only searching for active students in their currently selected school. However, the search screen includes the option to Search all Schools if you have access to multiple schools, and it also allows you to include inactive (withdrawn) students as well as previous year inactive students.
More Search Options
The “More Search Options” button enables users the ability to search for groups of students with similar information in any number of student fields and/or school data.
Click the “More Search Options” button to display a list of modules that can be opened and closed with the grey triangle next to them. Set as many selections as needed to yield more specific search results. Many drop-down menus include a swift box, which enables users to search any selection without scrolling. The swiftbox updates your matching results in real time, enabling users to quickly find their results with full or partial entries. Once parameters have been set in the More Search Options module, click the “Search” button to the right of the screen. Use the Reset button to remove all of the parameter settings from all of the modules in More Search Options.
Student Enrollment Add/Drop Report
PURPOSE: The add/drop report provides a snapshot of students enrolling and withdrawing in your school for the period selected in the report.
To access this report, navigate to Students > Add/Drop Report.
Use the calendar selection options to specify the date range for which you would like to run the report.
WHO: This report will display any students that have been enrolled or withdrawn from your school for the date range specified at the top of the report.
What: This report will display the student name, student ID number, school (enrolled or withdrawn from) , grade level , Enrolled Date (if applicable) , Dropped Date (if applicable) and the reason code associated with the students change in enrollment status.
Additional Options: If you have access to multiple schools you can click the checkbox to view this data for all schools.
Click the Go button to display results.
Student Breakdown Report
PURPOSE: The Student Breakdown Report displays selected data from any one or two student fields in visual column graphs, pie charts, and lists. The Student Breakdown Report is designed to assist schools in tracking and analyzing their student data.
To access this report, navigate to Students > Student Breakdown.
When you arrive on the screen you will see a pull-down menu in the top left side of the screen. Use this pull-down to select the data point you would like to display then click Go.
WHO: This report will display a count of any students with the data point(s) selected in the Student Breakdown pull-down menu.
WHAT: Once a student field is selected, a column graph, pie chart, and list tab will display. Navigate through these tabs to view the corresponding data in multiple formats, each based upon the collected values from the selected student field.
Once the first set of data is displayed a second drop-down menu, located under the first menu at the top of the screen, can be used to cross compare the data in the previously selected field. This provides a more detailed breakdown of both selected student fields.
Select the Effective date. Students enrolled as of the effective date will be included in the report.
Click the Advanced button in corner of the Student Breakdown screen to filter the selected data with More Search criteria.
Once a field is selected from the Please choose a student field pull-down, a second pull-down will display beneath it. If you want to Breakdown Further? select an additional field from the pull-down.
Users are able to create reports based on the selected student information.
Click Create Report.
Enter a Report Title in the provided text box.
Your report displays in Saved Reports.
Teacher Schedules Report
PURPOSE: The teacher schedules report provides a picture of your teacher’s class assignments and the total number of students who are assigned to each of their classes.
To access this report, navigate to Scheduling > Teacher Schedule Report
WHO: This report will display any teacher that has at least one class assigned to them for the marking period selected in the top right corner of the screen.
WHAT: This report will display the teachers name and a list of periods for the school selected. Within each of the period columns Focus will list the classes the teacher has been assigned for the period. If the teacher is assigned a class, Focus will display the Course title and a count of students currently enrolled in the class in parenthesis.
Additional Options: Focus allows you to display additional information on this screen by clicking the checkbox next to the corresponding option. Choices include room assigned to the class, course and section number, term, rotation days, student totals, co-teachers and more.
Teacher Gradebook Usage Report
PURPOSE: The gradebook usage report allows you to monitor how frequently teachers are updating their gradebook. When teachers keep up with entering assignments and grade in their gradebook parents are able to see those changes in real time on their Focus parent portal and can more readily take corrective actions.
To access this report, navigate to Grades > Teacher Gradebook Usage
WHO: This report will display teachers in your school that have been assigned a class section for the marking period you have selected in the top right corner of the screen.
WHAT: This report will display the teacher’s name, number of assignments currently in their gradebook, the date the most recent assignment entered is due, date the most recent assigned entered is assigned and the date the last grade update was made to the gradebook.
Additional Options: If your profile permissions allow it you can click on the teachers name and login as that teacher to view their gradebook.
Teacher Completion Report – Grades
PURPOSE: The grades teacher completion report is useful for monitoring teachers as they post their grades in Focus, keeping a careful watch over the grade posting will ensure that grades are posted in a timely manner and that report cards are delivered on time.
To access this report, navigate to Grades > Teacher Completion
WHO: This report will display any teachers assigned classes in your school that have not posted grades for at least one period they are assigned during the marking period you have selected in the top left corner of the screen.
WHAT: This report will display the teacher’s name, all of the periods available in your school and a red X next to any period that the teacher displayed has not posted grades for.
The marking period selected in the top left will determine the timeframe displayed.
Additional Options: You have the option to display the course and section information by clicking the checkbox titled Course/ Sections Numbers. This feature depends on the setup of system preferences.
If your profile permissions allow it you can click on the period missing grades and enter the grades for them.
Teacher Completion Report – Attendance
PURPOSE: The attendance teacher completion report is used to monitor teachers that have not taken attendance during the school day. Attendance data is updated in real time on the parent portal and often districts have setup some automated call outs to inform parents when their child is absent. However, its important to make sure teachers are taking attendance in a timely manner with this report in order for parents to receive these notifications.
To access this report, navigate to Attendance > Teacher Completion
WHO: This report will display any teachers assigned to a class in your school that have not taken attendance in at least one period they are assigned for the date selected in the top left corner of the screen.
WHAT: This report will display the teacher’s name, all of the periods available in your school and a red X next to any period that the teacher displayed has not taken attendance for.
Additional Options: You have the ability to run this report for a specified timeframe , show teachers who took attendance late and show course and section numbers.
If your profile permissions allow it you can click on the teachers name or the red X and take attendance for that teacher.
Perfect / Excessive Attendance
PURPOSE: To identify students with the best attendance records, students with attendance issues, and students who are possibly skipping.
To access this report, navigate to Attendance > Perfect/Excessive Attendance
WHO: The Perfect/Excessive Attendance report includes three (3) Attendance Reports on one screen: the Perfect Attendance Report, the Excessive Absences Report, and the Skip Report.
- Perfect Attendance: This report will display only the students who meet the threshold and time frame criteria you select from the pull-down menus. Click checkbox “Ignore Excused Absences” if you would not like to count excused absences in your attendance report.
- Excessive Absences: This report will display only the students who meet the threshold and time frame criteria you select from the pull-down menus. Click checkbox “Ignore Excused Absences” if you would not like to count excused absences in your attendance report.
- Skip Report: Identifies students who were marked absent in at least 1 period and present in another period on the same day. The Skip Report does not use the Threshold menu.
WHAT: Each report will display the Students name, Student Id, Grade and Days Absent. The Perfect Attendance report will also show the periods absent and periods tardy. The Skip Report will also show the Skipped Days.
Students with Referrals
PURPOSE: To identify students with a particular number of referrals in the selected timeframe.
To access this report, navigate to Discipline > Students with Referrals
*More Search Options are available with this report.
WHO: This report requires you to use the pull-down in the top left corner to set the minimum number of referrals a student must have to display on the report. Use the report timeline to specify the date range for this report. This report will display any students that meet the minimum requirement set by the referral pull-down during the time frame indicated.
WHAT: This report will display the students name, student id, grades, and number of referrals and date of the most recent referral.
Additional Options: If your profile permissions allow it you can click on the student's name to access their discipline history.
Discipline – Category Breakdown
PURPOSE: Displays graphs based on fields on the Referral form. The report can be viewed as a column (bar) graph, pie chart, or list. The report allows for cross-referencing the discipline data against student demographics.
To access this report, navigate to Discipline > Category Breakdown
WHO: Use the drop-down menu located at the top of the screen to select a Discipline Category.
These categories are based upon the fields that are available in the school’s Referral Form. After a category has been selected for the report, a second drop-down menu called “Breakdown Further” will display at the top of the screen. This menu can be used to select a Student Field to cross compare the Discipline Category by student data.
The “Breakdown Further” menu will generate multiple colored bars in the columns of the Column Chart.
WHAT: Focus will generate the graphical representations of the data in the Category selected. The Column chart will display by default. Use the grey sub-tabs to navigate to the Pie Chart and List to view the same data in alternative formats.
Click Advanced to use More Search Options with this report
Average Daily Attendance
PURPOSE: Displays average attendance by grade level for a specified time period, including average daily membership, student days present, student days absent, and more.
To access this report, navigate to Attendance > Average Daily Attendance
WHO: This report will display a count by grade level for all students currently enrolled in the school selected in the top right of your screen for the timeframe indicated in the Report Timeframe options.
WHAT: This report will display Grade, Student count (by grade level) , Days Possible Student Days Present, Student Days Absent, ADA, Average Students Attended per day, Average Students Absent per day . This Report will also display any additional local codes you have set up in your school for attendance.
Additional Options: Use Advanced Search to access More Search Options to display this report for select students.
Class Size Report
PURPOSE: Helps identifying errors with FISH room numbers, class size/seats, assigned scheduling methods, and more.
To access this report, navigate to Florida Reports > Class Size Report
WHO: This report will display all class section records for the school, year and marking period selected in the top right of the screen.
WHAT: This report will display FISH number, Local Room Number, all periods available for scheduling, number of students per period/section as well as the scheduling method assigned to each class. The report is based on the FISH number. If there are errors in room numbers or with FISH numbers this report will not properly display
If a period is over class size, the number of students will be displayed in red. You can click “Only show rooms over class size” to restrict the report to the periods over class size.
If a yellow yield symbol is displays then there is something that will cause the records to be rejected, hover over the symbol to see the error.
The Scheduling method code is displayed in a box with each class section.
Note: If the box contains a ? in place of the scheduling method this means the scheduling method is not set on the section.