New Data Entry Operator Training Course
- Section One - Focus Basics
- Section One - Focus Basics Assessment
- Section Two- Enrollment/ Withdraw Students
- Section Two- Enrollment/ Withdraw Students Assessment
- Section Three- Scheduling
- Section Three- Scheduling Assessment
Focus Basics
Enrollment and Withdraw
- Enrollment and Withdrawal Videos
- Entering Immunizations & FL Shots
- Enrollment
- Withdrawal
- Enrollment Reports
Special Areas (ESE, ELL & more)
- ESE & 504
- ESE Training 2022-10-13
- ESE Inclusion
- Hospital/Homebound
- Project 10 Reports & Template
- Attendance Videos
- Attendance Reports
- Attendance Basics (non-teacher)
- Attendance Excuse Notes
- Attendance Troubleshooting Guide
- Late Check-in Early Release/Attendance Kiosk Usage
Discipline and SESIR
- Student Discipline & SESIR Videos
- Using Positive Behaviors
- Referrals
- Unsubstantiated Incidents & Bullied/Harassed Student Indicators
- SESIR- Creating a New SESIR
- Deleting Discipline and Unlinking SESIRs
Grades and Assessments
- Grades and Assessments Videos
- Grades Overview
- GPA & Class Rank Calculation
- Report Card Prep
- Report Cards and Progress Report
- Transcripts
Data Entry
- Zoned District & Zoned School
- Reading Intervention Component
- FASTER for Incoming/Outgoing Transcripts
- Class Size
- Dual Enrollment
- FTE Basics & Virtual FTE
Scheduling: Building New Year Schedules
- Secondary Scheduling Timeline
- New Year Scheduling Training Videos
- Scheduling Checklist - Part One (Secondary)
- Scheduling Checklist - Part One (Elementary)
- Scheduling Checklist - Part Two (Elementary & Secondary) Before Survey 2
- Individual Student Requests
Scheduling: Maintenance & Hand Scheduling
- WDIS Training Video
- WDIS Setup & Building the Master Schedule
- WDIS Enrolling Students & Entering Demographic Info
- WDIS Testing
- WDIS Student Instructional Hours
- WDIS Scheduling Students & Automatic Linking Tests to Schedules
Focus Analytics
- Communication Training Video
- Communications Overview
- Sending a Message
- Announcements
- Templates
- SMS (Text Messages) and Calls